Sunday, November 10, 2013

From there to here

After completing our 2 year old daughter's room, it had occurred to me through talking with others, that bringing people along for our journey would be helpful for everyone!  Helpful for you all to get ideas on creating a beautiful home and helpful for us, to hold us accountable in staying on track!

I'd like to share with you how our daughter's room is now.  I wish I had started this before doing her room, so you could see the before and after.  However, I'll do my best to explain what we did!

We moved into this house in September, just after our newest daughter was born.  This house is allowing both girls to get their own bedrooms which made me very happy.  In our previous home, we had 3 bedrooms: ours, the office, and my daughter's nursery.  We loved the hard work we put into it and we are so sad we don't have it anymore:

While pregnant with #2, I tried my best to get all the girls' stuff to fit in the 10x10 room.  It wasn't working.  So when we found a 4 bedroom, we were excited to work on the girls' bedrooms first.

The baby is still in our room, so we started with our 2 year old's room.  All of the house has a very neutral color on the walls and we want to keep it that way in the rest of the house, but I loved the idea of bright colors in the bedrooms for the kids.  My hope is that these walls can grow with the girls as they do, modifying the decor and/or furniture to fit their needs.

If you know my 2 year old, you know she has a sassy and bright personality.  And her room, I think, reflects that.

Pink!  What girl doesn't love pink!?  I got the idea from Pinterest.  A lot of my furniture is from Ikea in that black/brown color and I think that combined with the pink makes her room pop!

My husband had really enjoyed this paint job above any of the previous ones we did in our other house for a few reasons.  1) I promised to not help.  See, I have a tendency of getting really excited to paint a room in the beginning.  I drag the Mr. to Home Depot, grab all the brushes, colors and drag him back home and set it all up.  And usually, about 5 minutes into it, I'm done.  I'm like the worst about it.  This leaves him to do all the work and since we would start painting when it was good for me, he would reluctantly and quickly try to finish.  2) Frog tape!  If you've ever tried painted a textured wall without it and hope to get clean lines, forget it!  When I told my husband I wanted stripes on the wall, he got the 'deer-in-headlights' look.  We found the frog tape, and it made very clean lines!

One thing we did notice, it that the wall we picked for the stripes isn't exactly straight!  But you can't even tell!

The mirror is also from Ikea and because I have a 2 year old who loves to see herself, I decided to make it a full length next to her chest of drawers at this time.  I normally like having the mirror across the chest of drawers but I knew she would try to climb to see herself and that was not a safe situation at all.  So, when she is older, we will move the mirror, but for now it stays here.

 Instead, we put this sign from Hobby Lobby that says "It isn't easy being a princess, but if the crown fits..."  Very fitting for my daughter.

And she picked out the butterflies!  They are from Target and are 3-D and brings more bold accents to her room.

Her other wall continues with the butterflies.  There is also her dry erase calendar that has her chores for the day, and the activities.  The shelves and shadow boxes bring her breakables out of reach and the hair accessory holder was a gorgeous gift made by her aunt.  

She loves her room.  She loves the color, and I'm glad she does!  All that is left is to update my old bed from when I was a child for her and completing the floor in her closet!

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